Make Your Mornings Better with this Pumpkin Spice Latte Recipe


Having trouble finding the Torani Puremade Pumpkin Pie Sauce? Purchase from our referral link below.

Torani Puremade Pumpkin Pie Sauce


  1. Add the Jameson, Fulton’s, Torani ingredients to shaker with ice, and shake until chilled (6 shakes).
  2. Strain in glass with fresh ice and top off with almond milk.
  3. Garnish with whipped cream and a dash of ground cinnamon and nutmeg.
  4. Enjoy!

A little background and inspiration to my cocktail.

My passion for cocktails began at University of Houston’s Hilton College for Hotel and Restaurant Management, which is where I received my bachelors from. While in college I took classes to learn about beer, wine and spirits – then dove right into the industry as a bartender. Eventually, I landed a marketing job with a well-known whiskey company and was able to develop my education and palette. My job was to create experiences and teach others about our brand, so essentially I had to be a whiskey expert!

My favorite part about creating a cocktail is seeing someone enjoy it! There is a beauty in unexpected ingredients coming together to create something harmoniously delicious.

Creating this fall favorite was a no brainer for me – however choosing whiskey was a risk I wanted to take. I chose Jameson Cold Brew for its bold, intense coffee flavor and ill admit, Irish Coffees are my favorite.

Then I chose the Fulton’s Harvest Pumpkin Pie for a cream which brought a semi-sweet flavor and creamy mouth feel to our cocktail. Lastly, I added the pumpkin pie flavor for its spice and the almond milk to bring everything together.

So is the drink basic, YES but you will love it.

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